Tuesday, January 1, 2013

12 on 12

2012 was great to me, I've gotta say. I've found myself enjoying my job more, growing up more, loving my husband more and just striving to be more and I'm finding my place in the world. Here's my top 12 of 2012! I'd love to see yours! 

1. Favorite Beauty Product

There were SO many new make-up products I tried in 2012 that I now use on a daily basis. I really hate just choosing one, but I think I'll choose what most transformed my make-up routine - my Sigma make-up brushes. I used to HATE applying liquid foundation with those triangle sponges, but using these brushes has made my daily make-up routine so much easier! I have the round top and angled top synthetic kabuki brushes, as shown above.

2. Favorite Movie 
I saw some really great movies this year, some new to theaters, others new to me. The Hunger Games would be my very favorite, though. Loved the book series  - I've read it at least twice now and listened to the audiobooks. Considering the amount of times I saw it in theaters (three in one weekend!), and the excitement over the DVD release in August...I think it's a good call.

A close second would be Pitch Perfect (saw twice in theaters), followed by Silver Linings Playbook, where I was happy to see Bradley Cooper play a likable character for once!

3. Favorite Song

I'm such a flip-flopper of songs. I listen to old and new songs throughout the year and always discover and rediscover new songs. I really can't narrow it down to just one, so I'll list my top five (click song titles for links):

1. "Some Nights" by Fun. - (Love the acappella beginning and harmonies!)
2. "Never Let Me Go" by Florence and the Machine
3. "We Found Love" by Rihanna
4. "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran
5. "Feel Again" by One Republic (new favorite!)

4. Favorite Moment

Such a tough decision to narrow down a whole year into one moment! But here's a story I know my husband and I will tell for years to come. While buying our house was pretty up there in terms of life moments, I think one of my favorites was right after we bought our home. In fact, our very first night. It was just Taylor and I taping off trim prepping to paint our office room when a huge storm hit - we're talking major wind, hail, rain - pure craziness, however, somewhat typical for May in Oklahoma.

Being the man he is, he made sure our cable was installed the day of the closing, so we were watching the weather move in on the TV when all the electricity went out! So there we are, sitting in the living room one of us on the floor, and the other in our only piece of furniture at the time - a folding lawn chair - waiting for this horrible storm to pass and the lights to come back on. As I heard the hail start to hit our roof, I turned to Taylor and said, "Our insurance started today, right?" All I have to say is thank the Lord for insurance and garages! We had to get our roof, downspouts, gutters and window screens replaced!

5. Favorite Fashion Trend

Bold necklaces! I definitely jumped on that bandwagon this year and purchased several colorful, fun necklaces that would make my somewhat plain and basic wardrobe pop! I can't get enough of them. I think I have a problem.

6. Favorite Place to Shop

I've been a big fan of online shopping this year and discovered some gems along the way. I've been loving VeryJane and GroopDealz - two websites that people who have Etsy shops, or sell homemade items can go to to sell their items to a larger audience. You receive a daily email with what's on sale that day, usually at a discount from their typical online price! I always look forward to receiving those emails and have gotten a lot of fabulous jewelry and home decor through them.

7. Favorite Trip

We went to Rogers, Arkansas over the Forth of July and had so much fun tubing on Beaver Lake and shopping around Eureka Springs with Taylor's family!

8. Favorite TV Show

I have a few new favorites thanks to Netflix! Over the summer I began The Vampire Diaries and finished all the old seasons just in time for Season 4 to start in the fall. I'm completely addicted and I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes the topic of another blog post! 

A brand new show I love is The Mindy Project! Loved Mindy Kaling on The Office, and this new show is just hilarious and very much my sense of humor. I knew I would be hooked when the first 30 seconds of the premier involved a When Harry Met Sally clip! Also just finished reading her book and now I think I love her even more.

9. Favorite Local Joint

Oklahoma City has some of the best local food, and such a variety! I'm dying to try several places, but my all time favorite local joint has to be Ted's Cafe Escondido. It may surprise you that this is actually a Mexican restaurant, but I promise once you try Ted's...everything else will just be sub par. If you're ever in Oklahoma, go get you some!

10. Favorite Purchase 
That's easy - Our First Home! 

11. Favorite Social Media
Pinterest! I get style, make-up, hair, home decor, recipes and all kinds of ideas from there. I also frequent their "humor" page if I need a good laugh - I'm a big fan of memes. Feel free to give me a follow!

12. Favorite Verse/Quote

I have a favorite bible verse and quote to share that has calmed me down whenever I've felt overwhelmed with life:

"She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards

"Let your hope make you glad, be patient in times of sorrow, and never stop praying." Romans 12:12

Wishing you all a healthy, happy and fun-filled 2013! 

What's on your list for 2012?

Monday, December 31, 2012

Starting Over

I find with the ending of a year and beginning of another, I'm sure like many other people, I want to break old habits and create new ones. I also find myself wanting to rejuvenate many aspects of my life - wardrobe, home decor, hobbies, make-up...you name it.

I supposed starting a blog is now added to the list. I had a blog in college which started as a class project, but it's been some time since I've updated it. I've transformed so much since then, it just felt right to create a new blog, too. (Which reminds me, I really need to delete my Xanga page from highschool...no one wants to relive those years, trust me!)

Hey There, Sweetheart will just be me, chatting with whoever reads this, like true never-met-you-but-I-like-you Internet friends. I'll offer opinions on style, beauty products, TV and the like.

I hope you enjoy this ride with me!